Discarding of this topic and not expressing official statement by the Serbian authorities, will be considered reckless behavior and protection of interests of foreign corporations, and opposed to the will of the people of Serbia and the whole world. This document will also be published and sent to newspaper companies. A similar document will be promoted in other countries by their exopolitics organizations.
World Financial System
Citizens know for long time, and feel on their own skin, that something is very wrong with the financial system, but they don’t understand why. Purpose of this document is to educate all citizens including members of the government about the problem, and to point on solutions. Euro and the dollar are private money, and property of central banks, that are private. Behind these private central banks in the U.S. , EU and Britain , is a handful of owners, "shareholders". Citizens are confused by the fact that these central banks have official names, like they belong to the state. However, they have nothing to do with the states, and they are above all, without responsibility, and their owners are not accountable to anyone, especially not the people and countries.
Quote: “There is no “other” agency of government, which can overrule actions that we take” - Alan Greenspan, ex chairman of FED, central bank of USA .
With each registered transaction, citizens pay a fee for use of that money, to the owners of central banks. They charge for use of money as a service, for which citizens pay interest and part of the tax. Of course this money circulates through smaller banks as well, which charge for their own services and interests. Today's system is called fractional reserve banking system. This system was invented 300 years ago when banks started quickly getting rich by taking interest on the "non-existing" capital. The rules of this system indicate that a bank can issue 9 times more credit, than what they have in real money and values to cover. This allows a bank to multiply its capital in short time, and continue to increase it exponentially. But once the loan without real coverage is issued, it can be placed on the savings in another bank, and process can be repeated. All together, it can be created up to 90 times more "money" than the real values to cover it. When a person or a country needs money for its needs, it gets it from a private bank as a loan with interest. When an individual or a state requires money for its needs, it gets it from the private bank as a loan with interest. When private central bank issue the loan, the greater part of the loan is created "out of nothing" and added to the money circulation. Generally it works by adding the amount to the account, by typing digits on a computer and money, or better say indebtedness, is "magically" created. If the amount of loan would be completely deleted after repay, the system would be more or less stable. But this is impossible because there is a problem of interest. The amount of money that represent interest did not exist in the moment of borrowing, but has since been invented out of nothing (and often printed) thus devaluate all existing values in circulation, and increasing the overall debt. Numbers and figures often referred confuse citizens, while in reality these interest rates are enormous and represent "usury". Even when the central bank interest rates are zero, their profits remain huge, due to constant money printing and profit of corporations that they own. It is important for people to understand that this moneymaking of nothing and increase in overall debt is totally equal to counterfeiting, but in the case of private central banks there is no one to monitor or question their actions. However, all their money created out of thin air, population must repay with real products and work. Repayments are used to finance new borrowings, but it is necessary to create extra money "out of thin air" to cover now increased debt with additional and additional loans. This mathematical model has no ability to stop borrowing or reduce escalation of debt, but tends to reach infinity of indebtedness, and unavoidably lead to collapse. Those simple facts are not mentioned in the media, and citizens live in delusion that system must function that way. On the contrary, that system is fully enforced by a small group of people, and when population becomes aware of the facts, there is no reason for that system to be used further. Almost all countries of the world owe incredible sums, and they owe them to central banks, which makes every resident of every country automatically obliged to private owners of the world central banks. Budgets of countries of all sizes are always in deficits, and they constantly have to borrow more and more money from "investors". Behind this magic word, again hides a small group of private central banks and individuals so wealthy that they constantly "fund" all countries in the world. Citizens do not understand where the money has gone after use, and why new borrowings are needed if the economy is functioning normally, and if the products are exchanged. The money, plus interest, went back into the system, as the entire sum of debt never existed in reality, but large transactions were in meanwhile used for needs of owners of Central Banks, that is, controlling of the world. They are the "elite" because what they do is in fact "legalized crime". Most central bankers, and those who stand behind them, would be immediately arrested, if their business data is released. If the world financial system was honest and realistic, countries would not be obligated to anyone. But today the U.S. public debt is 50 thousand dollars per capita, and the EU over 20 thousand euros per capita. Total debt in the system is much higher. The debt that is often mentioned in the media is the public debt of the U.S. government, which is currently about 15 trillion dollars, but when you add up all the debts of the states, population, banks, corporations and social programs, there is up to 200 trillion dollars in debt, or about 650 thousand dollars per capita, while their assets are far smaller (the average house is worth 175 thousand dollars) so the debt in the system exceeds all private values by multiple amounts. Unfortunately this is not all, there is as well the so-called derivatives market, with imaginary, nonexistent values, which exceed mentioned amounts by several times, and is used fraudulently for the enrichment of financial corporations. The situation is similar in the European Union and worldwide. Total debt in the EU is around 120 euros per capita. Serbia , which due to sanctions later joined the game of high loans, is rapidly following the trend, and total indebtedness is starting to exceed material values of the population. This is amazing manipulation by central bankers who convinced population that it owes them more than the sum of all material wealth in the world. Just this is a clear indication to everyone how massive fraud we are dealing with. We are wondering are these tiny groups really expecting payment, and how is it possible that the facts and the organizers of this historic fraud are not the number one media issue? Although we already owe them everything that exists, they constantly require payment of "existing debt" plus interest, which they "enable us to do" by giving us new loans, which then increase all of the debt. Far from logic and reason, but this "out of thin air" money making brings incredible power to individuals at the top of the system. All the giant debts are only fictional, virtual amount on paper, used to direct maximum circulation through the central banks and collect huge profits for their private owners. This system decimates real value of money and purchasing power of citizens. Regardless of not being covered by values, all this debt is part of the system, and powerful individuals control and exploit real economy, while majority of population fight for survival because of everywhere attached debts and unrealistic cost of products and services. Today, 60% of world's population is living on the edge of survival, quarter of people have no electricity and world leaders prevent spread of technology and raising of standard. Debts are impossible to pay off and they choke real economy and flow of cash, which make situation equivalent to a patient who has to survive with 5% of blood. The physical money in circulation makes 1 to 5% of total debt and balances, and is less frequently printed, because most of the money, or better say, debt, represent a value in computer memory, does not exist physically and is not backed by goods. Because of inflation and lack of cover, no savings can ever help or make sense. According to data from the European Central Bank website, in the last 7 years, total number and value of euro banknotes in circulation in the world has doubled and now amounts to only 850 billion, which would densely packed occupy 30x30x30 meters. Just public debt of EU is 12 times greater while total debt of EU finances is 70 times higher. Gold reserves of world countries cover 2% of the world's debt to central banks, and much less percentage of total debt. The so-called backing in reserve currency is in case of bankruptcy, considered "cover in worthless bonds", as it does not exist in cash. In the example of Serbia and declared reserves of 11.4 billion euros, that would in cash fit space of at least 10x10x3.5 meter of tightly packed money, and would be 1.34% of world emissions of Euro banknotes, which is due to the size of our population and economy, virtually impossible. It would be impossible for Serbia to pay 7.5 billion euros in cash that is declared amount of deposits in banks, because total amount of euro and domestic banknotes in Serbia is realistically much smaller, as for example it would not be possible to cash out 1350 billions euros of savings that German citizens posses in that country. These are real public statistics that people accidentally overlooked, due to watching too many bank advertising, paid by their deposits. According to NBS data, there is 90 billion dinars in cash circulation. That is about 12 thousand per capita of Serbia , while the total debt in Serbia is 50 times greater per capita, and increases with penalty interest and new borrowings. People are paying off this enormous growing debt every day, knowing it or not. Based on that payment the world's elite take over ownership and control, which is the illustration of society of extreme "slavery". If only the public debt of the EU is represented in cash as a positive value, each of the 500 million EU citizens would have in front of self, 20 thousand euros in banknotes, or any of 730 million Europeans would have 13 700 euros, which in the case of a family would make huge amount of cash in one place. This "movie like scene" is only a dream for most of the people, because the amount of actual cash in existence is far smaller, and large parts of it are in possession of the rich, while most of citizens are only left with manipulated debts. At present time, with equitable distribution, every resident of the EU would get 1000 euro in cash, which is equivalent to half of a monthly salary, while is in fact forced to repay 100 times larger, always growing debt in the system. Trading with debts they created, central bankers can take ownership over all industries, countries and property, which is known by the term of "privatization". The real definition of privatization is, takeover, sale or destruction of industry and economy by central bankers, so that population must turn to them for funding from the loans. This is not just material enrichment of individuals, it is rather full ownership, profiting from all products, services, and ability for total control of world politics, economy and resources. Therefore, the biggest businessmen are solely working in the interest of central bankers, and entire population is subjected to their "prices" and business decisions. The reason for the current "world crisis" is that countries can not return debts to private banks that have "invested" borrowing them "money" without coverage. Their bonds with imaginary value, now can not be paid back with real money and economy, as all wealth of nations have already been taken away, therefore the banks and the states would have to, the sooner the better, declare bankruptcy and write off all debts. Debts in the current system are rapidly growing, and repayment is now an illusion, as much as the borrowing itself. There is too much bonds in the system owned by "investors", and no more possibility for paying them off, which result in chain of country bankruptcies. Historical rule is that at the escalation of crisis, people suddenly try to withdraw their savings from banks, but remain empty handed, because their savings are not covered by cash. Collapse of the largest insurance companies of USA in the year 2008, happened because the companies claimed they have money which didn’t exist in reality, and eventually they had to declare bankruptcy. Those were small events, used to buy time, as the issue is present everywhere, and major bankruptcies and revelations are yet to come. While its obvious to everyone in society today that "there is no money", the media only shows global and local "experts" who claim it is necessary to apply reforms, austerity, privatization, foreign "investment", borrowing, without a single word that the whole financial system is a "Ponzi scam", and it must be changed due to inevitable collapse. In attempt to delay inevitable and extract the last drop of blood from citizens, the world's elite "socializes" the losses. Usurious debts made by central bankers are now placed at the expense of the people as an additional burden for payment. This is the so-called "bailout", translated as "financial rescue" and responsibility is skillfully blamed on citizens, with a story that they themselves are guilty for crisis. In reality, these hypocritical bankers know the game is over, and all their actions will come to light of day.
Economic Situation
The most important and most problematic things in the economy are energy sources, and therefore most prone to manipulation. The world economy almost totally depends on fossil fuels. Control of prices of crude oil on world markets is the main source of income for the financial elite who have a pyramidal ownership of all major oil companies. Since fossil fuels are set as "inevitable" human needs, the entire population is subjected to oil price determined by the elite. They exploit this maximally by charging crude oil 50 times more than the actual production value of about 1 Euro or 1 U.S. cent per liter. Their profit is 3 trillion dollars a year just on crude oil. For annual salaries of all employees in the extraction, processing and transport of oil in the world goes 100 times smaller sum. Countries from which oil is extracted get too small percentage, and the payment is not made with real money but dollar bonds, which in small percentage and after long time get to be paid. Therefore, now in various states there are too many dollar bonds, the so-called "paper of value", which can not be cashed. These bonds are also used in the past decades to set the dollar as world reserve currency and the
There are products - there are no buyers
There are technologies for production - there is no workers - there are unemployed and poor that need the products
The authorities need to explain to people, if Serbia's population by economic criteria, including domestic and foreign currencies would account for 3 to 4 billion euros in cash for circulation, how it is possible that we are indebted for 15 times larger amount, while in European and rest of the world countries, debts are as much as 100 times greater than the cash. Like the famous case of Madoff, and tens of billions of dollars fraud, the entire global financial system is a Ponzi scamming scheme to keep the small group wealthy. Why would the banks, especially central, for borrowed money, expect doubling of the money in a short time, rather than to satisfy with general socially useful work that needs to be achieved due to loan and return the same amount without interest. Interest system represent looting and create unstoppable inflation, and therefore citizens should not agree to these scams until all changed from the roots.
Current world financial system is insinuation to common sense and mathematics. World operates the way where a small group of swindlers at top of the system harasses 7 billion people. Hypnotized citizens have served for decades as slaves of these banks and corporations. Practically there are one million citizens per one central owner that regulate their standard of living. They are just people, they are not untouchable, and it is sufficient to initiate an investigation against them, and financial manipulation. Those "owners of the world" must be removed from office and arrested if they are responsible for fail of economy, financial or political manipulations. In almost all countries, leaders are placed only to serve this system. Finger should not be pointed solely at the state officials, because they are just servants and they are not the ones who are making decisions, but they can be good witnesses in the investigation. Some leaders would like to disclose the truth, but they need support. It will be very interesting and shocking when all the procedures are exposed. The world today is not in the capitalistic system, but in the system of corporate looting, which is based on deception and exploitation. Corporations lobby and tailor policies to the detriment of citizens, officials work for their interests, or are too incompetent. If the authorities in
Extraterrestrial Issue
Exopolitics is a science that deals with the most serious possible approach to the issue of contact with extraterrestrial beings. It also deals with advanced technologies, overcoming global problems and the general progress of society. This is not about some kind of prophecy or world disaster used to fearmonger the masses, but the existence and intention of friendly galactic community to soon make public contact with the inhabitants of planet Earth. Among the population there is divided opinion and great lack of information about concepts of astronomy, space exploration and alien beings. Today, 90% of the population believes in the existence of aliens, and 80% believe they are visiting our planet. Those people who are skeptical are such mainly because they are uninformed, and most people are burdened with ordinary things and means to survive, and they are not aware what is happening in wider vicinity. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are not subject of ridicule, but phenomenon officially recognized in some countries, and extensively discussed in secret by the military institutions of the larger countries. The phenomenon is widely present can not ignored and intensifies lately. Besides the number of false recording and misinformation, a significant percentage of reporting is credible and can not be explained by common thing and available technology. Phrases such as "martians", "little green men" and "flying saucers", are used by those who know little about reality or in rare cases know a lot but deliberately misinform and ridicule. The attitude of ridicule was initiated from "authorities" who know the real truth, and scientific elite have blindly accepted and promoted a definition that reality is only what you can buy in store and hear from officials on television. The so called "authorities" pass this attitude on the masses of people, keeping them in the illusion of "reality". Some individuals are led to believe that the issue of UFOs and aliens is irrelevant, non-existent, and in the realm of science fiction, and that it does not really concerns to anyone. On the contrary, these things are absolutely important for everyone on Earth and his way of life. Problem persists with the official attitude and a wall of silence from the authorities of world powers and other nations. If for example spy plane flyover air space of a country, an international scandal might escalate, but if a group of UFO's regularly flies over the air space of all states, officials are holding their heads in the sand. The attitude towards UFOs is a very sensitive issue and is related to advanced technologies and the ability to control the world through the resources by the wealthy elite. One of the main reasons is that these advanced crafts, regardless of their origin, are obviously not propelled by oil. Each official statement and recognition of phenomena would soon eliminate the possibility of banking elite to manage the economy and resources, and even religious divisions and manipulation of people. One part of the scientific elite, blindly confident in their knowledge, rejects the UFO phenomenon, just because someone several decades or centuries ago set theories that does not account for antigravity. But such scientists are far from understanding basic laws of the universe and making specific inventions. In contrast to them, there are scientists working for the military industrial complex in the
We underline that ECS does not tell fairytales, and all things mentioned in this article, with a little organization and intent, in the proper order, can be proven to everyone. The economy can function perfectly even with generally well-known technologies, but as soon as financial system is changed, people will get advanced technologies as a reward because after the investigation cover-ups will be clarified. Financial truth, when fully understood, is shocking for the citizens. The information and data stated in this document can not be denied without lying, and citizens need to explore and see for themselves. Mainstream media is currently working to censor the truth but to their detriment, because nothing that they have now is value compared to what had been deprived from population and objectivity will drastically speed up the overall progress. Statements that officials "sell" to the public, that it is necessary to reduce costs, privatize and layoff, are nonsense. In reality, only who need to be dismissed from work are central banks, their followers and the secret agencies that carry out atrocities. All citizens of
Citizens can be more informed and express support on the facebook group: "Exopolitics Council of Serbia ."
Short conclusions:
A small "elite" group of "investors", are "richer" than all the countries of the world, and finance them.
Energy prices are manipulated to create a big minus in the state budgets.
Through the banking system of fraud, citizens and the states are put into huge debt slavery.
Information and technologies and threatening the interests of controlling the world are hidden.
ECS expressed attitudes:
Writing off debts!
Stop interest!
Stop money with no cover!
Stop the expensive price and use of fossil fuels!
Request for disclosure of relevant information!
Radivoj Radivojević
Egzopolitics Council ofSerbia
Short conclusions:
A small "elite" group of "investors", are "richer" than all the countries of the world, and finance them.
Energy prices are manipulated to create a big minus in the state budgets.
Through the banking system of fraud, citizens and the states are put into huge debt slavery.
Information and technologies and threatening the interests of controlling the world are hidden.
ECS expressed attitudes:
Writing off debts!
Stop interest!
Stop money with no cover!
Stop the expensive price and use of fossil fuels!
Request for disclosure of relevant information!
Radivoj Radivojević
Egzopolitics Council of
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