субота, 14. март 2020.


Covid19 emerged as a free will expression, its a natural response to the matrix of control and slavery.
Covid19 is virus with new genome. No human have antibodies for it.
80% of infected people gets mild symptoms. 20% gets pneumonia and they have to be put in ICU beds. Some people get reinfection which cause hearth attack.
Isolation and range in human contact, physical and spiritual hygiene, are things that can slow down propagation of virus.
Isolation and social distancing prevent exponential spread and bring it to flat line spread. You should stay at home as more as possible.

USA did not do large number of tests yet and they don't have real numbers, so infections are growing rapidly at the moment. It will be in the millions of cases. It takes up to 3 test kits per person but they don't exist.
Even is some countries lift quarantine, the new rise in USA at will cause second wave and it will reinfect other areas of the world.
Similar thing will repeat few times and total of 3 large waves is expected during this year.
Quarantines will be on and off during the next 6 to 10 months. There will be billions of people in house quarantine in all big cities trough the world.
Military hospitals will be opened soon.
In problematic areas, 16% of people that get infected are likely to die when hospitals get overwhelmed and can't treat everyone.
Military will triage cases and pick those who can survive. People on depression pills and similar are at high risk of complications. Doctors will get sick in significant numbers.
Vaccines are not likely to come any time soon, but even if they do you have to keep in mind that vaccines are normally 20% effective, so if it ever come it will not help 80% of people and it will not help for additional waves of mutated virus.
Virus is highly contagious and you will see long chain of news articles that politicians infect one another.
Its almost certain now that there will be no elections in USA in November.
There will be no movie theaters this year, all goes online. Most factories will stop, there will be no weddings and celebrations.
Warm weather does not affect virus, so forget summer trips.
Delivery drones and driver less cars tech will be rapidly introduced to some areas.


Current financial system is based on fraud and debt that is meant to keep you in servitude.
Market is expected to drop to 13000. Ruling elite will now lose 190 Trillion dollars on the market. But that was actually bubble that did not exist in real value, it was just used as mechanism to rob normal people.
What is good for person is bad for economy and vise versa. Small business and people are now running out of cash.
System will have to financially help individual people instead of helping economy.
Many countries will have to introduce income for every person. They will also have to suspend what people pay to government. Amazon and postal services are expected to stop.
It will be big challenge to spread money to people without infecting them.
Ruling elites are fighting among themselves now, which we can see in greedy move by Saudi and Russia that want to bankrupt USA oil companies.
At the moment China have slowed spread of virus, but its drastically lying about numbers. The virus there is still going and will not stop any time soon.
China function on about 30% of economy now, as most people stay locked at home.
Secret government have dozens of technologies that can instantly heal anyone of this or any other virus or disease. But they will not allow that to be shared with ordinary people or even politicians.
If no moves are made, number of victims of corona virus at the end can go up to one billion, but its highly likely that some corporations will reject the system of control and produce some cure or healing device that is totally effective.
Those would be different things than making vaccine. Those corporations might make a move at the point when few million people are dead globally. The system will not be able to stop those corporations and united people in them.

Esoteric info:

System of control, known as "global narrative", have tech for predicting future, but this is higher play now, and this pandemic have not been predicted until it started manifesting it self in our reality on December 4th.
As things get more chaotic, this virus will push global narrative to lose control.
USA will experience chaos as numbers start to rise exponentially. There have been deliberate delay that made things worse, because the secret government have been moving people from one timeline to another.
Virus is not just a bunch of molecules. It have consciousness and its a wave function in an universal hologram.
This virus have been gearing itself up in the energy world to be prepared to overcome things global narrative throw at it. Imagine like a huge speed dynamo that is hard to stop.
The virus want to persist and to bring down aspects of the system and control of this reality. It will do that at the cost of human life. Those people will be reincarnated and reborn in the near future.
Virus mutates according to magnetic field. With your karma you can be immune to it, and that is good news for most of you. Your lives are governed by structured invisible energy conditions called spiritual contracts.
Totality of your magnetic field and your total multi-life karma will determine your immunity toward virus.
This virus naturally occurred, it made it self and manifested it self in our reality as a higher dimensional play. All theories that this is made in lab and released as weapon are just someone's imagination.

This year, everyone's belief system will be tested. No matter which religion or science you rely on.
Atheists will be thrown at knees in this difficult time and they will question their white coat gods. The science may not save them all, but the secret science could. The irony is that that type of people deny secret science existence, while worshiping mainstream science.
What we need for awakening is, for denial and suppression of secret science to stop. Science atheists with their dogmas are guilty of not pushing for disclosure of secret tech.
All sport and common distractions are canceled.
People in quarantine will not interact with system as they normally did on their jobs. They will suddenly have free time and life-force to trigger their awakening from slavery matrix and lies.
Global media machinery will start to crack badly and will lose credibility. They have been spreading lies and manipulation for decades.
Conspiracy community will become unstoppable beast absorbing more and more new people.
Global narrative losing control of economy is great news for people.
Pandemic is here to force change and awakening on earth
Bad thing is that its killing people. Good thing is that it is bringing down system and exposing truth.
In the long run, virus will make system crack and give chance for human race to reach its true divine potential in the years after.

Info provided by akashic reader Andrew Bartzis (Galactic Historian), edited by Radivoj Radivojevic.
This text is estimate of events and analysis by a psychic, and will stay as a time capsule. At the publish time there is officially 155 thousand cases, and 5800 victims of corona.
14. March 2020.

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